Tec Trimix Diver
For the extreme diver ready to further explore the world of technical deep diving, the gas of choice is trimix. The DSAT Tec Trimix Diver course takes you to the outer edges of technical deep diving, opening the door to pristine dive sites few divers - if any - ever see.
do I need to start?
Certified as a PADI Rescue Diver or have a qualifying certification in diver rescue and accident management from another organization *. Students who meet this through a qualifying non-PADI certification need to provide proof of CPR and first aid training within the previous two years.
Certified as a DSAT Tec Deep Diver or have a qualifying certification in deep decompression diving using air/enriched air from another organization *. Students who qualify through a qualifying certification other than DSAT Tec Deep Diver must read the entire DSAT Tec Deep Diver Manual and complete the Knowledge Reviews prior to beginning the Tec Trimix Diver course.
Equipment Requirements?
What will I do?
The DSAT Tec Trimix Diver course is intended to extend the depth range available to technical divers trained and qualified to use air, enriched air and oxygen for technical decompression dives beyond 75 metres / 246 feet in open water. The DSAT Tec Trimix Diver course is intended for technical divers certified as DSAT Tec Deep Divers (or qualifying certification from another training organization). The course extends their depth range capabilities by training them in the use of trimix (helium, oxygen and nitrogen).
After successful completion of the DSAT Tec Trimix Diver course you'll be able to conduct gas-switch extended no-decompression dives, decompression dives and accelerated decompression dives using air and enriched air to a depth of 50 metres/165 feet. You'll also understand the hazards and risks involved in technical diving, as well as how to prepare for and handle reasonable foreseeable technical diving emergencies.
What will I need?
The Tec Trimix Student Manual and the DSAT Tec Trimix Manual.